人行道上的“华清池”虽是美不胜收,却又哪里去找那“温泉水滑洗凝脂”的杨玉环?幸好当时笔者不是正好走经该处,要不“轰隆”一声;一头栽进那“随时爆发的火山”,不“呜呼哀哉”也要进医院“休养”好几天;又要费神热心的老同学代为“祷告赐福”,那就很不好意思了! 一个城镇的街道维修得如此的好,能不整天高喊要“升格为市”?不久前刚有人还在夸夸其谈,大吹“宏愿队”为诗巫的建设做出多么伟大的“贡献”!口说何凭,为何不张开眼睛,看看这“风光无限好”的现代“华清池”?
Any response from the Council since you put this picture in your blog? Why Miri and Kuching Council Headman could at least go to the spot with a team of council workers or whoever concerned and then the media would give a full coverage (perhaps for the sake of future State election) but whatever we still see they have done something about complaints, why not Sibu???? Please don't let down our New Foochow !
回复删除What a strange coincidence, since I commented on the Sibu big pot hole, the publicity-crazy Mayor of Cat city does not rule out his intention to run in State Election if chosen by his Boss. No the cat has come out of the bag, our charming gentleman is really eyeing a State Government post in his scrambling up the staircase..not a easy task ahead though when people are more concerned with their basic human rights including rights to their customary lands and their soon sxpiring lands. The higher up has exhausted all the timber concessions, the lands, the stones/quarries, now even the sand also grabbed...and what not?Your small tricks and magics cannot get you out of the Five fingered mountains of LU Lai Fo. Damn you JC...