Sad to know the tragedies and natural disasters in Kiwi land but to compare with Libya it is nothing at all. People would rather live in the dangers of tigers and earthquakes and volcanoes than live in the madman's country! Kadafi is going crazy before his doom. Coming to another subject, I think migration may bot be too good as we do not know the new pastures may grow green grasses or turn into nightmares. Those eager to migrate may have second thought now.
Sad to know the tragedies and natural disasters in Kiwi land but to compare with Libya it is nothing at all. People would rather live in the dangers of tigers and earthquakes and volcanoes than live in the madman's country! Kadafi is going crazy before his doom. Coming to another subject, I think migration may bot be too good as we do not know the new pastures may grow green grasses or turn into nightmares. Those eager to migrate may have second thought now.