
Communication Studies valedictorian Trinetta Chong delivers her speech at the graduating batch's convocation ceremony.
A Nanyang Technological University (NTU) valedictorian has apologised for using the F-word in her graduation speech last Friday, saying it was said in the "spur of the moment".
23-year-old communication studies graduate Trinetta Chong was addressing about 170 of her classmates and slightly less than 300 post-graduate students at the Nanyang Auditorium, located in the university campus, and concluded her rousing six-minute speech with "We f**king did it!"
A video of the speech, which was uploaded onto YouTube on Friday night, has garnered over 1,200 views over two days, sparking debate over her use of the swear word.
报章有此新闻标题:“教授:女生情绪高昂用词强烈,毕业演说爆粗无不妥”!说的是,“南洋理工大学传播与信息学院的女毕业生,在上周五举行的毕业典礼上代表毕业生发表感谢与告别演说,结束时竟‘脱稿’爆出以‘F’字开头的英文粗话:‘We f**king did it’”!
我只是感到很奇怪,如果在大学毕业典礼上出口成“脏”并无不对之处,为何报章、网站在报导此“字”时,还要在中间改用两粒“* *”呢?在大学殿堂里,都可由女生很“兴奋”地喊出来的“好话”,作为大众传播工具的,还有需要那么“羞人答答”地感到难为情吗?
今天是什么时代了,老古董们?让我们都抛开那些劳什子的“没教养、Kurang Ajar”,大家随时随地,想“F”就兴奋地“F”个痛快吧!
I am quite liberal minded by when meeting with such foul swearing words, I also feel very disappointed and no doubt would tag her as kurang ajar! We strongly object to the changing of medium of instruction of Nanyang U of Tech but who would think that it could manufacture such banana girl? A pity indeed!