有道是“山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”; 喜见鹅江起波涛, 捲走巨鳄享清平 !
After seeing the news report on auditors' reports on various Government depts about the corrupt practices of public servants making purchases at exorbitant prices of over 1000% over the actual prices then we can see why the political figures are fighting each other by hooks and by crooks to cut each other's throats. Have shame all those dirty political rogues worse than whores. Peoples are fed up with these dog-fight. Now it has just been revealed by a Foreign expert that Zhou MF had been struck on the head with heavy blunt object , hi anal has been inserted with foreign objects and his neck had clear sign of strangulation by hands and over 80% evidences showed he was murdered . What a Great Pity to our Country, we never imagined such a brutal murder can happen in a important Anti-C Agency Office !!! Please arrest the murderer !!!!
回复删除You seem to have gone far away from the blogger's theme but methink it is excusable as you are most upset by the latest finding of the coroner's court and what you want to say cannot be accepted by any public media. So Mr Blogger, please bear with him.
回复删除It seems quite clear now the white hand behind WSK who has been given a boost to his gang whereas the other two were being snubbed by shedding off one portfolio each and one Song was given important posts even though he is nobody's son in the BN family....all so funny like a puppet play by one single White Head who was clearly being gratified by WSK who managed to kick out the most outspoken Mr. Opposition, Chong whom Sarawak people salute with deep admiration!