《戌年初夏偶作》 鲁迅
这是“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”的鲁迅,写于 1934年 5月30日的诗作。当时的中国,正处于反动国民党的黑暗统治时期。
The darkest hours bring new hopes and breakthrough also. Even these kaki-tangan also want to distance from their Big Boss who resembles a mouse crossing the street! Pray that we can turn a new leaf with our votes today and don't have to shed tears or even blood later on. Let us do our sacred duty to wash our house clean of the rodents and termites!
回复删除Good news from everywhere in this hornbill land really exciting to unprecednted. Even if tey don't succeed in pushing down the mountain this time next time round they can move even the Muruts working closely together. We will see the rays of bright sunbeams in the darkest nights yet. Carry on your good work brothers and sisters, well done!
回复删除Just as I predicted, the so-called independent candidates in Urban areas were all soundly defeated by our people some losing their deposits. snake can now die its natural death because of the decadent leadership. We really have to help the rural poor to realize they have to wake up from their ignorance of their rights and it is time that have to decide their own future with their votes!