Voters demand 'reward' from SUPP office
Apr 26, 11 9:25am
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More than 100 Ibans stormed the Sibu headquarters of the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) yesterday, demanding the balance of RM400 each as the reward promised for backing its candidate who won in the recent state election.
(Quote from: Malaysiakini)
此地无银三百两, 隔壁阿兄领工资!
”一人一票“万岁! ”议会民主“万万岁!!
From the facts and news published in the newspapers, is it not the duty of the anti-corruption people to make investigation ? It seems very unclear and even mystical to allow those with houses worth millions to get away without even being investigated. Even some of my BN friends also told me someone has really amassed huge wealth in and outside this country and hard statistics and details of properties have also been exposed in great details. Now can he get away with it is a great mystery! They have to really do their job to gain people's trust .