This is not the first time I see you comment on the matter of homosexual tendency etc. I do not actually know very much how people go homosexual and why they engage in such affairs. But since quite a lot of countries in this hemisphere are giving them legal status of their MM or FF marriages , we may need to give them deep and fair judgement from the point of view of humanity and science. In times of yore, people have little knowledge on many things and so we have witch-hunting, tales of foxes inducing males to have sexual intercourses and what not. Now we would rather give the benefit of doubt to the homosexual people and not to follow the old religious tradition of outlawing this and that without going into the matter based on impartial and scientific point of views and studies on the physical and psychological aspects of the subject. Do not jump on the bandwagon that has burned many women accusing them of witchcraft including the heroine of France. True that they are one of the weaker and underprivileged group treated more as outcast, but should you as a democratic fighter and independent thinker do more than pointing an accusing finger too?
回复删除是谁在那里指手画脚地乱套“高帽子”?谁是“民主斗士”,笔者可曾如此“自诩”过?喜欢“摇笔杆”的人,顶多是“路见不平一声吼”罢了,几时想当什么“斗士”还是“fighter" ?也太过抬举了吧?
对于“同性恋”问题,你有你的性取向,我有我的看法;什么叫“accusing finger" ? 难道只有你的看法才是最符合新时代的至理“伟论”,别人不同的看法都成了无知的,无理取闹的“指责”?
正因为我有“独立思考”的能力,我可以随时随意表达我的看法而不必随任何人的“指挥棒”起舞!所谓的“赶时髦,追随潮流”(jump on the band-wagon),真是可笑之至!
What I mean is not focus too much on trivial matter and not to fall into trap of current trend of feigning holiness while engaging in terrible crime. True that not many people are homosexual and apparently very few are truly such in the real sense of the word but since they are weak and not a strong influence, we may not have to wedge a ware and hue and cry against the underprivileged few. Fight the overpowering overlord sitting on peoples' heads with wealth to much the world's richest few while exploiting the people mercilessly. I must state I am not for and not one of homosexual group nor the slightest interest in that but while I do not like them I still fight for their right to live and survive in their limited space!