

有资料显示,在 2008-2009 年财政危机后,世界最富有政府的首四名是:

(一)中国, 国家储备: US 2,454,300,000,000 (未包括香港、澳门)。

(二)日本, 国家储备: 1,019,000,000,000 。

(三)俄罗斯, 国家储备: 458,020,000,000 。

(四)沙特阿拉伯,国家储备: 395,467,000,000 。


1 条评论:

  1. With the ranking of richest countries drastically changed, there would naturally be a change of world order to come. With this in mind, I now understand why the President of P suddenly changed his war-like manner to a conciliatory smile to visit the land of his ancestors to talk amicably of mutual cooperation for mutual benefit instead of showing off the old warships bought from the war-monger country! So whether personal or international, it seems money does talk loudly enough and money shows its muscle Hey!
